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Sahasrara Iza Malczyk


Listed: 2012-03-11
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Sahasrara is the highest chakra - it is said to be the most subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness, and it is from this chakra that all the other chakras emanate. The colour and shape associated with this chakra have inspired me to create this necklace.

The main element is a large pendant made of several joined elements. Beautiful faceted pink amethyst cabochon was set in a bezel with a hole that makes the stone illuminate with every ray of light. The pendant is also adorned with smaller faceted amethyst beads. Long chain was given a hook clasp that can be fastened into every link of the chain.

The piece was made in oxidised and polished sterling and fine silver.

The pendant is 8,5cm long and 3,5cm wide. The chain is 100cm long.
If you're interested in this piece, please, contact me via the contact sheet.

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